I wrote about planting the Cascade Hops in their first season, 2014. In April of 2015, the hops, now in their second year, had clearly survived their first winter in their planters. They had sprouted new shoots and were on their way up towards the fence I was trying to train them on. Continue reading 2015 Hops & Beer
Tag: hops
2014 Veggies – October & November
Early October, and we were still getting nice harvests of beets, eggplant, Shishito peppers, and a few odds and ends. Continue reading 2014 Veggies – October & November
2014 Introducing Hops into the Garden
Spring 2014. Decided to try growing some hops. I figured I would find a collaborator or two to use ’em to brew some beer. I’d read that as aggressive rhizomes, they can take over if not contained, spreading underground. Can’t let that happen to the garden. Sourced some planters for the job.
2014 First-Season Hops Springing Up
The hops rhizomes were planted at the end of April, 2014, as described in an earlier post.
By mid-May: signs of life. Couple of little shoots springing up in one planter.